

We have frequently expressed our readiness to publish any communications that our readers may send to us, but we must decline to do so with the one that follows:

EDITORS OF THE HARVARD HERALD: DEAR SIRS - I wish to ask you if the much boasted gentlemanliness and gallantry of Harvard students has not a weak foundation. My daughter says that she cannot walk through the college yard without being stared at by every conceited fellow that chances to pass her. It seems to me that young men with the reputed good breeding of Harvard students would recognize the impropriety - yes, insult of such conduct. I can assure them that I shall make it decidedly unpleasant for any one who hereafter offers the insult to my daughter which I have just mentioned.

INDIGNANT FATHER.[We can offer only two suggestions to our correspondent; one is, not to have any daughter, or, if he must have a daughter, don't let her walk through the yard. However, we can have no sympathy for any student who stares at a Cambridge girl, - unless he be a member of the Lawrence Scientific School. - EDS.]
