


Ryan is on his way home and says his fighting days are over.

The rumor is false that Stillman has been murdered in Albania.

Five Arapahoe chiefs called upon Secretary Kirkwood yesterday.

Senator Sherman has reported a bill for a statue of Chief Justice Marshall.

A Chicago servant was shot by her lover yesterday, who committed suicide.


The plan of reappointment proposed by Representative Burrows finds the most favor.

The bill to place Gen. Grant on the retired list came up yesterday in the Senate, and was laid over.

Mr. Charles E. Pratt of Boston was entertained by the New York Bicycle Club last evening at their second annual dinner.

The immediate deficiency and Military Academy appropriation bills were reported to the House yesterday from their committees.

The President's reappointment of a dismissed army officer was the chief subject of debate in the House yesterday, and later the appropriation bills were considered.

Senator Frye of Maine has made a speech on the tariff question, declaring himself a protectionist from principle. The arrears of pension and the tariff were discussed yesterday in the Senate.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 11, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, fair weather, northwesterly winds, becoming variable, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure.
