


The French finances still continue in a critical condition.

An effort is being made to terminate the treaty with Hawaii.

The case of Guiteau will be heard on exceptions at the April term.

The affairs of the Pacific National Bank are still in an unsatisfactory condition.

Senator Pendleton has presented a largely-signed petition for competitive examinations.


The Philadelphia Rapid Transit Co. denies that it has used any money in bribing the newspapers.

A shocking death from hydrophobia, caused by the bite of a dog, occurred in Philadelphia yesterday.

An appeal for the Garfield memorial fund has been made to the postmasters of the United States.

Lord Granville has raised several objections to Mr. Blaine's proposals in regard to the Clayton-Bulwer treaty.

Regular emigrant rates between Boston and Chicago will be restored on the 15th. All other rates will be soon restored.

The Spanish government will prohibit the proposed pilgrimage to Rome, if it assumes other than a religious object.

It will require from eight to twelve months to complete the work of the tenth census. The report will embrace about 20,000 pages.

Mr. Stillman, correspondent of the London Times, has been murdered by a party of Arnauts near Ipek in Albania. He was formerly Amercan consul in Crete.

The awards under the late proposals for starroute service have nearly all been made. There were over 43,000 bids, and about 2500 awards will be made, which will be announced about March 1.

The ways and means committee agreed this morning to refer the Sherman bill, the Randall bill and all other refunding propositions to a sub-committee, to be hereafter appointed. There is a strong feeling in the committee against all refunding propositions.

A. M. Soteldo, former editor of the Washington Republican, entered the office of that paper, and during a scuffle with Clarence Barton, the news editor, four pistol shots were exchanged. Barton was shot twice, not fatally, while Soteldo will live but a few hours.

An organization of the alumni of Bowdoin College living in Washington has been effected, with Commodore Horatio Bridge, U. S. N., of Bowdoin's famous class of 1825, as president. The association will have its first banquet on Feb. 16, at which President J. L. Chamberlain has promised to be present.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 10, 1882, 1 A. M. For New England, rain or snow, followed by clearing weather, northeast backing to northwest winds, stationary or lower temperature, falling followed by rising barometer.
