

Crimson out today.

The Glee Club has voted not to sing in Providence.

The candidates for the freshman crew have commenced running.

The prospects of the Cambridge boarding housekeepers are brightening.

Some of the freshmen indulged in a snow-ball fight near the gymnasium yesterday.


The Boston Latin School Battalion will give an exhibition drill, Tuesday, February 21.

A bonus will be given to any one who will take No. 5 Weld for the remainder of the year.

Mr. Robinson, the trainer, is actively at work with Herrick and Soren, of the Mott Haven team.

At last. - A special student really did some work for a coming examination and - flunked - at last.

The reception given by the ladies interested in woman suffrage last evening was fully attended.

Rev. Phillips Brooks will preach in St. John's Chapel next Sunday at 7.30 P. M. Seats will be reserved for students.

Henry Draper, a son of the late Dr. J. W. Draper, is to succeed his father as professor of chemistry in the University of the city of New York.

Scientific men agree in one thing, that when impure water is frozen it makes impure ice. - [Traveller.] What else should it make, if not impure ice?

Prof. C. A. Young of Princeton, is giving a two weeks' course of lectures at Mt. Holyoke Seminary. Prof. R. H. Mather, of Amherst, will follow with a series on "Ancient Sculpture."

Today's number of the Crimson will conclude the present volume, and contain an index of the contributors for the past half year. It will contain four pages and the announcement of the editors from '84.
