

About sixty freshmen attended Oscar Wilde's lecture at Music Hall last evening. They were dressed in a fantastic costume, consisting of a dress coat, knee breeches, black stockings and a striking blue or green necktie. Many wore nigs of the Bunthorne style, and each had two or more large sunflowers. They created much amusement when they marched up the aisle in their limp and languid manner. We are happy to be able to state that during the whole performance they were very quiet and orderly - much more so, in fact, than many other portions of the audience. Mr. Wilde addressed them when he first came on the stage, in a very pleasant and familiar manner. He said, glancing down at the fantastic semi-circle, in front.

"I see about me certain signs of an aesthetic movement. I see certain young men who are, no doubt, sincere; but I can assure them that they are no more than caricatures." As he looked around him he said. "Save me from my disciples!" and then added, "but rather let me, as Wadsworth says, "Turn me from these bold, bad men'." Mr. Wilde spoke very pleasantly of his visit to Harvard, and suggested how finely the statue of a Greek athlete would look standing in our gymnasium, and what an ennobling influence it would have there. He said he would like to present us with one himself if we would accept it.

As for the work of students, he thought art should play a great part in it, and he did not see why an undergraduate should not receive a diploma for painting a beautiful picture, or modelling a fine piece of sculpture as well as for gaining a knowledge of that dreadful record of crime known as history.
