

Oscar Wilde lectures before Yale students tonight.

The senate foreign affairs committee will investigate the Chili-Peru affairs.

A number of Harvard men attended Oscar's lecture last evening.

A number of rooms showed lights as late as 3 o'clock yesterday morning.

Mass. 1 and 3 were hardly comfortable during the examinations yesterday.


There was quite a stampede at lunch yesterday, the object being a sight of the divine Oscar.

The man who lives at the top of some of our lofty buildings is certainly to be pitied, as he is always room-atic.

The richest university in the world is that of Leyden, in Holland. Its real estate alone is worth over $4,000,000.

At Ashbury College any student who receives one hundred per cent. during the term recitations is exempt from examinations.

The following named men from '81 are now in the Columbia Law School: Cohen, Dazy, Goakin, Jaretzki, Hawkins, and MacVeagh.

"I don't like enthusiastic thermometers," remarked a certain eminent professor lately, discussing the noticeable variations among those instruments.

Mr. Oscar Wilde yesterday visited several of the students' rooms, the gymnasium, library and Memorial. He expressed himself as very much pleased with Harvard.

Observation in experimental physic by my goody while taking up the ashes: "I thinks the ashes flies worse when they're warm than when they're cold, as I notices it." [Fact.] Who can explain?

It is rumored that Memorial Hall "statement" will be made out as soon as the bursar has time and the auditor has learned to add up figures. We wonder what the price of board is for January.

At the last meeting of the board of overseers, the rule requiring one of the bondsmen of each student to be a resident of Massachusetts, was changed so that now any suitable citizen of the United States will be accepted.
