The work of reclaiming the Potomac flats has been commenced.
London lost $15,000,000 worth of property by a fire last night.
A dispatch from Paris says that Marshal McMahon is seriously ill,
Sailing orders have been issued to the North Atlantic squadron for a winter cruise.
Dr. Bliss says he will accept the $6500 awarded him by the Garfield claims committee.
No progress has been made in the railroad conference in New York toward a settlement of difficulties.
Culver Hall, connected with Alleghany College, at Meadville, was burned yesterday morning. Loss, $35,000.
There is no change in the situation at Adelbert College. The faculty are not disposed to reinstate the juniors, and the students stay away from recitations.
It is said that if ex-Senator Dorsey does not resign the secretaryship of the Republican State committee when it meets in Washington in January, he will be removed by the committee.
The bill for the relief of the officers and men of the U. S. S. Monitor, which participated in the action with the rebel iron-clad steamer Merrimac, was discussed in the House yesterday, but no decision was arrived at.
The commerce committees of both houses are talking of preparing a new river and harbor bill. The scheme is advocated principally by legislators from the Mississippi valley.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 9, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, southerly to westerly winds, stationary or slowly rising temperature, falling, followed by rising barometer.
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