

Believing that the college ought to have a reading room and that an association can be organized and run successfully if those who are interested will cooperate, we have taken upon ourselves the responsibility of making the first move. The bursar has given the use of Massachusetts 2, one of us having become responsible for the cost of heating and lighting and for such other incidental expenses as the college may incur. The Union has kindly loaned the reading room furniture now in its possession. By the courtesy of the college papers the best known college exchanges will be kept on file. The expense of heating has been estimated at $35.00, and Mr. Jones has agreed to take the entire care of the room during the remainder of the year for $30.00. In order to cover these expenses and also to furnish a fair arscount of reading matter, it will be necessary to obtain at least one hundred subscribers at $2.00. During the next few days we shall make an active canvass of all the classes. As soon as enough subscribers have been obtained to assure the success of the project, a meeting of the subscribers will be called to effect a permanent organization and to take any other measures which may be necessary to place the reading room on a firm basis.

H. B. Jacobs, W. F. Kellogg, '83.

M. H. Cushing, L. A. Coolidge.

W. B. Noble, C. R. Clapp, '84.


E. A. Hibbard, J. J. Chapman.

F. I. Carpenter, J. F. Holland, '85.

J. R. McArthur.

W. K. Barton, Elliott Bright, '86.

J. M. Merriam,
