We do not wonder that the Yale News is exceedingly anxious to stop all further discussion of the disagreeable subject of Yaleism in foot-ball; the methods, however, adopted to obtain the desired forgetfulness would be ludicrous if they were not so despicable. In an editorial of Tuesday last the News seeks to turn the discussion on another subject by making against the managers of our crew the serious charge that they have acted discourteously or unfairly in not replying promptly to Yale's challenge. Not only are the charges ungentlemanly and wholly without foundation, but they are made in the News' most rabid and flippant style.
Inquiries at official headquarters bring out the fact that the receipt of Yale's challenge has been acknowledged and that an informal acceptance has been sent. Yale has virtually been assured that we will row, what more does she want? Last year it was even later than this that the formalities were finally arranged, owing to some delays caused by Yale. This year each college has a graduate committee, to aid in preserving harmony. These committees have not yet done their work of compiling rules; when this is done a formal acceptance will be sent under the conditions of the rules. So do not fear, dear Yale, that you will have no competitor next June.
There has, however, been nothing in the conduct of the managers of our crew which should call forth such a deluge of venom and abuse from the News. Charitably supposing that the writer of the article is not guilty of gross misrepresentation nor deliberate falsehood - for we are loth to believe that even of the News - we are forced to conclude that the News was grossly ignorant of the facts and possibilities of the case, and, in publishing such a scurrilous article under such circumstances, was misled by its ignorance.
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