Class Foot-Ball-Social Events-The Cata-logue-The Musical Association-Items.
[FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT.]WILLIAMSTOWN, Dec. 4, 1882. Saturday afternoon, Nov. 25, the pent-up antagonism between the sophomores and freshmen found vent in a sharply contested foot-ball game. After a close struggle the referee awarded the game to the freshmen, the score being one goal to nothing. The goal was sharply disputed by many, who maintain that the ball was carried by the wind several feet outside the poles.
On the evening of Nov. 18 the Lambia Chapter of the Delta Psi Fraternity gave a reception to the senior and junior society men of the college. A large number were present, and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.
President Carter opened his house on the evening of Nov. 23d to the faculty, resident alumni and senior class, and a most enjoyable time was experienced by all.
Last Friday evening Professor Griffin gave a reception to the faculty and to those of the senior class who remained in town during the recess, and a very pleasant evening was passed.
The catalogue which has just been issued shows the whole number of the graduates of the college to be 2691. The summary of the students now in college is: Graduate students, 2; seniors, 49; juniors, 56; sophomores, 75; freshmen, 69; total, 251.
In addition to the regular college course provision has been made for a post graduate course of two years in astronomy, for which course the degree of Ph. D. will be conferred.
The joint debate between the two literary societies will take place next Wednesday evening.
The Glee Club of eleven members and orchestra of twelve members have united into the W. C. Musical Association. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 23d, they gave a concert in Pittsfield, and met with a most gratifying reception. During the coming vacation the association will probably make a trip through the West. Both the Glee Club and orchestra are in excellent condition, and will bring much credit to the college.
The new dormitory will be opened for occupation at the begining of the spring term, in April. H. A. Garfield has been elected to the Athenoeum board. The Christmas vacation of three weeks will begin the 19th.
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