

Members of the Co-operative Society who have received the new circular of business regulations will please change the price of Worcester's Dictionary mentioned under the head of "Miscellaneous" from $6.90 to $6.75.

Under the head of "Affiliated Tradesmen," attention is called to the statement regarding paying expressage on first presentation of bill, i. e., when the goods are delivered and charges named by the expressman, it being impossible for Messrs. Sawin & Co. to present a written bill at that time. Written bills, presented after the charge has been entered upon their books, are not subject to a discount. Those who have not received a copy of the regulations are requested to get one at the office.

Members of Political Economy 2 who intend to order Cary's "Social Science," in 3 vols., should sign before Dec. 21.

A. A. WATERMAN, Supt.DEC. 5, 1882.
