The account of the foot-ball game between the Harvard and Yale freshmen, which appeared in the Boston Herald last Sunday, showed what a well contested and exciting game it was. Few, however, can agree to the appendix which says that "the Yale freshmen tried the same contemptible methods that their elders from the same college used in the 'Varsity game, but the Harvard freshmen soon convinced them that two could play at that game, and, when the 'slugging' in unfair tackling began, it was returned with interest." For although our eleven showed no symptoms of fright, and presented a strong rush line, yet they certainly did not show fight, and did their blocking with their arms and not with their fists. In fact, the game was, with one exception, perfectly gentlemanly and played in the proper spirit by both elevens; and we are glad to say that the Yale freshmen set a most excellent example to their 'Varsity eleven, which, it is hoped, they will in the future have the good sense to follow.
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The Princeton Cage.