

Rev. Phillips Brooks is travelling in India.

The lacrosse team has begun practising in the cage in the gymnasium.

Pach is now prepared to make room interiors in person. Orders may be left at the studio or with the picture committee.

Of the number of subscriptions received for the Longfellow memorial, more than eighteen thousand of them are from children.

The managers of the Harvard assemblies for the coming year are Messrs. H. F. Sears, Richard D. Sears, Henry G. Chapman and Russell S. Codman.


The following are the second eight of the Pi Eta from '84: R. G. Brown, Caughey, Field, Glover, Hardwick, Hunting, McIntosh and Stewart.

A Japanese fair is being held in the Prospect-street Church today. A native Japanese band is in attendance, and the young ladies are in Japanese costume.

Elaborate preparations have been made for furnishing standard time from the Harvard Observatory for use in the observations of the transit of Venus tomorrow.

Mr. Ware, one of the architects of Memorial Hall and a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1852, is at present professor of architecture in Columbia College.

The Harvard Union meets in Sever 11 at 7.30 this evening, instead of Thursday evening, as usual. The question for debate, "Resolved, That the Republican party has outlived its usefulness," is a very interesting one, and will probably call forth many speeches from the floor. The regular disputants are: Affirmative - H. M. Lloyd, '83; E. A. Hibbard, '84. Negative - G. E. Foss, '85; J. McK. Merriam, '86.

The grand jury has found indictments against William Leonard and Michael Dolan as principals in the assault upon Charles S. Childs, the superintendent of the Cambridge Cemetery, and also against Dennis S. Norton for being an accessory to the same before the fact.

The unity and good feeling which have attended the class of '83 at Harvard at all times, even in the awarding of final honors of office, is an object of remark. - [New York Post.

At a recent meeting of the Columbia Boat Club it was announced "that in reply to the letter of the Harvard graduates concerning the difficulty between the colleges, the directors' committee had instructed Mr. R. C. Cornell on their behalf to testify to the Harvard gentlemen the appreciation of their generous conduct felt by Columbia men, and to reciprocate the wish that the old mutual good feeling between the colleges be maintained." Mr. A. L. Simonds, '72, is president of the club for the ensuing year; J. K. Bangs, '83, secretary, and R. H. Muller captain.

The following are the entries for the prize for general development: E. V. Abbot, '85; C. G. Parker, '85; F. A. Lugues, '86; H. A. Griffin, '86; H. E. Miles, '86; R. H. Delafield, '86; S. S. Watson, '85; G. E. Foss, '85; G. R. Parsons, '86; B. G. Davis, '85; Edmund S. Middleton, '85; Edward J. Hall, '86; Outram Bangs, spec.; C. H. Babcock, '86; C. B. Stevens, '86; D. L. Hazard, '85; F. C. Weld - ; C. H. Smith - ; P. L. Livingston, '85; A. H. Ward, '85; S. H. Blodgett, '85; Walter K. Barton, '86; J. H. Payne, Jr., '86; L. Litchfield, '85; R. Peterson, '85; Walker Graham, - ; James L. Storrow, '85; H. W. Blanchard, '84; Bertram Ellis, '84; Edwin E. Graham, '86; E. E. Hamlin, '86; O. F. Hibbard, '84; Thomas Hunt, '86; Alfred P. Page, spec.; W. O. Spofford, '84; W. B. Waterhouse, '86.
