Arabi Pasha pleads guilty, and is exiled for life.
Rear-Admiral Robert H. Wyman, U. S. N., died on Saturday at Washington, D. C.
Fire on Sunday destroyed the business portion of Petersburg, twenty miles north of Vincennes, Ind., and burned all the records of the city government. Loss $40,000.
The Methodist Episcopal Church in Gloucester City, N. J., was burned early Sunday morning. The loss is quite heavy. An adjoining frame building was partly destroyed.
Noah D. Smith, deputy collector of customs of Memphis, Tenn, has absconded. He is $1600 short in his accounts. He has been in the employ of the collector, Gen. W. J. Smith, for six years.
Anthony Trollope's condition is such as to leave but little hope of his ultimate recovery. Cases like those of Dr. Tait and Mr. Trollope open ominously that month of December which is usually so fatal to English public men.
Frank Frayne, the actor, who was arrested in Cincinnati for causing the death of a member of his theatrical company, was examined on a charge of manslaughter on Saturday, and was discharged, as no criminal intent was shown.
A woman named Kathi has been hanged at Vienna for poisoning two husbands.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 4, 1. A. M. For New England, cold, fair or clear weather during the day, followed by warmer, southerly to westerly winds, and higher followed by falling barometer.
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