

To let - One large sunny front room at 16 Oxford street.

Two club tables can be accommodated with pleasant dining-rooms at 17 Dunster street.

Lost - Last Thursday, a gold-lipped stylographic pen. 15 Matthews.

Lost - Note book in N. H. 2. Finder please return to W. E. Hayward, 17 Holworthy.

Lost - A sealskin glove. Finder will be suitably thanked on leaving same with Co-operative Society.


Lost - In Fresh Pond, a woolen glove. The finder will greatly oblige the owner by returning to 16 Hilton.

Lost - On Fresh Pond, a stylographic (A. T. Cross) pen. Finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at 21 Grays.

Lost - A roll containing a $5 bill and a $1, and having a rubber band around it. The finder will confer a favor by leaving it at Drury's.

Found - Cuff and button. Owner can have same by applying to F. H. Leavitt, at Drury's.
