

The first meeting of the Reading Room Association was held last night in Holden Chapel. Mr. Cushing, '83, was elected chairman and Mr. Noble, '84, was elected secretary of the meeting. After the adoption of the constitution, which will be found below, the meeting proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year. The result of the election was as follows: President, M. H. Cushing, '83; secretary and treasurer, E. A. Hibbard, '84; directors, L. A. Coolidge, '83; W. B. Noble, '84; F. I. Carpenter, '85; J. M. Merriam, '86. All subscriptions should be paid to Mr. Hibbard at once.


ARTICLE I. - NAME.This association shall be called the Harvard Reading Room Association.

ARTICLE II. - MEMBERSHIP.Any member of the university may become a member of this association on the payment of an annual fee, the amount of which shall be determined by the board of directors hereinafter provided for.

ARTICLE III. - OFFICERS.Section 1 - The officers of this association shall be a president, who shall be a member of the senior class, a secretary and treasurer who shall be a member of the junior class, and a board of directors, consisting of one member from each class and one member from the university at large.


Section 2 - These officers, with the exception of the freshman director and the director at large, shall be elected at a meeting of the association, which shall be held towards the end of each academic year. The board of officers then elected shall, at the beginning of the next academic year, select a director from the incoming freshman class and a director from the university at large.

Section 3 - The term of every office shall extend from the beginning to the end of the academic year.

Section 4 - Any vacancy which may occur in the board of directors, or in the office of secretary and treasurer, may be filled by the board of directors; but if the office of president becomes vacant during the year, it must be filled at a meeting of the association.

Section 5 - The president of the association shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be ex-officio president of the board of directors.

Section 6 - The secretary and treasurer of the association shall be ex-officio secretary of the board of directors. He shall conduct all correspondence and, with the consent of the board of directors, shall call all meetings of the association. He shall receive all dues, and make such payments as may be deemed necessary by the board of directors. He shall, at the annual meeting, give a report of all receipts and expenditures.

Section 7 - The board of directors, in conjunction with the president and the secretary and treasurer, shall have entire jurisdiction over the affairs of the association. At the beginning of each academic year they shall be required, with the assistance of any others whom they may appoint to make a thorough canvass of the college for subscriptions.

ARTICLE IV. - AMENDMENTS.This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any regularly called meeting of the association.
