

The second Armory Hall assembly occurs tonight.

The first Curtis Hall (Jamaica Plain) german was given last night.

Mr. Henry James, father of Prof. William James, is seriously ill.

The North-avenue and Spark-street cars to Park square have been discontinued.

The Niagara Index makes the astonishing announcement that "Greek is optional at Harvard."


There will be no recitations in Latin I. and IV. tomorrow, as Prof. Smith will be out of Cambridge.

Dr. Dudley A. Sargent will contribute to Wide Awake for 1883 a series of "Health and Strength Papers."

The receipts at the Globe Theatre during Mrs. Langtry's two weeks' engagement were twenty-nine thousand dollars.

The busy Xmas season does not seem to keep visitors from Memorial Hall, which remains a centre of attraction to all strangers.

A SUSPICIOUS TINT.They told the preacher his words were dull,

And colorless the prayer he said.

The Ma-Jestic Deluder replied, "Not so,

For my prayers are brilliantly read."

Prof. J. P. Cooke lectures tonight at 7.30 in Boylston Hall, on "Egypt and her Monuments." The lecture is illustrated by stereopticon.

The Mueller-Campanari String Quartette give their second chamber concert tonight at 8 o'clock in Sever 11. The programme is as follows: Quartette in C Major, Mozart; Variations on Austrian Hymn, Haydn; Quartette in B flat Major, Op. 130, Beethoven.
