The condition of affairs at the hall, revealed by the auditor's report, it must be confessed, is disappointing. The blunder, by which we were beguiled into the happy delusion that the board of last month was only $4.25, certainly does not redound to the steward's credit. Nevertheless, there is nothing in it to cause any serious mistrust of the management of the hall in general. The association is certainly fulfilling the purposes of its establishment, and, to speak relatively, giving general satisfaction as far as relates to quality and price, in spite of this revelation. A natural result of this unfortunate mistake is very likely to be renewed agitation of the entire subject - agitation that, as usual, probably will result in no good, but will, on the contrary, do serious harm to the interests of the association. The mistake certainly should not be the cause of a stampede from the hall - such a result would be truly deplorable. It perhaps will deserve an investigation, if serious complaint is made in regard to it. The Advocate will certainly cry out again for Mr. Balch's scalp. If it can get it this time it will certainly deserve it. We doubt if it can.
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