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The college is threatened with a direful catastrophe. At the last meeting of the H. C. Goodies' Benevolent Association, the prevailing low price of wages was vigorously discussed, and by many it was thought that the only refuge from the present distressing condition of affairs for the guild lay in a general strike. Prudent council finally prevailed, not, however, before very emphatic dissent from the policy of conciliation was expressed by not a few. The dissatisfied ones subsequently met in secret session, and these discussed their wrongs long and earnestly. A plan of proceeding was hit upon and agreed to by all present. After careful investigation, we are able to divulge its details to the public. Although we are well aware of the risk we run by so doing, we feel that duty compels us to speak, at whatever cost. The plan, which, in wicked ingenuity and craftiness, excells the most diabolical counsels of a Machiavelli, is briefly this : The dissenting faction unanimously agree to enter upon a prolonged strike - not, however, immediately, by no means, no, but - here is the point - not until after the Christmas recess. The secret animus of this determination is this : By waiting until after Christmas the usual holiday presents and relics of cast-off garments and other articles, which are abandoned by their owners and in their absence usually appropriated by the goodies, will thus be secured. The contract for the year's washing also, it will be seen, will by this time have been entered into. Thus, whoever may step into the places of the strikers, will be deprived of these perquisites and will be unlikely to be content simply with the wages offered for the work. These particulars we can vouch for. There is only one remedy : Omit the usual presents, leave no articles loose in your rooms when you go home, and refuse to enter into any seemingly innocent washing contract if presented. Thus and thus only can the objects of this infamous league be defeated.


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