

Bean, '84, has left college.

Yale students smoke 120,000 cigarettes a month.

Freshman examination in Physics this morning at 10 A. M.

Illness keeps Mr. Preble, instructor in Latin, from his classes.

President Gilman of Johns Hopkins will be president of the new "Science" company.


Attention is called to the new coal notice on the bulletin board of the Co-operative Society.

There will be a meeting of the Hasty Pudding Club tonight, Friday, at 7.30, in the new rooms.

The latest completed work of the English artist Hubert Herkomer is a portrait of Prof. James Lowell.

The Christmas theatricals of the Hasty Pudding Club will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 20th, at 8 P. M.

The Finance Club met last evening. Mr. G. H. Heilbron, '83, read a paper on "Free Labor in the South."

Yale men amuse themselves by snowballing unoffending passers-by. The News thinks it very naughty.

Rev. H. N. Brown of Brookline will preach in Appleton Chapel next Sunday evening on "Justification by Faith."

Petitions for Sunday allowances for five meals will be considered by the board of directors of the Dining Association. Heretofore only three or six meals have been allowed for.

In 1880, the students at Eton College made a five horse power steam engine, which is now used in the college shops for turning lathes, and now each of the elder boys has his seperate forge.

Professor Jowett, Master of Balliol College, and better known to the American public through his fascinating translations of Plato and Thucydides, has been appointed vice-chancellor of the University of Oxford. This fact gains interest as marking another step towards freedom of thought in the great centre of British conservatism. Counted by years it is not long since Mr. Jowett, having been excluded from the university pulpit, was threatened with prosecution for heresy, and denied his legitimate salary of professor of Greek. Now, without any change of opinion on his part, he has been appointed to the highest active office of the university. - [Ex.

"Yale having won the championship seems to care very little what Harvard's or any other college's feeling may be as regards foot-ball," says the Acta.

Cambridge University (Eng.) thinks her prospects for next year's race with Oxford are rather dubious. Her trial eights have been selected.

The Yale freshmen have a glee club which practises weekly, under the university trainer, and thinks of making a tour through Exeter, Andover and a few other towns this winter.

The junior class of the Ohio Wesleyan University is to be expelled for passing resolutions of condolence with the junior class of Adelbert College at Cleveland, who were expelled for holding a "Tempus" in opposition to the wishes of the faculty.

While the police were attempting to arrest some Yale students who were creating a disturbance at the New Haven Opera House, Tuesday night, a party of Yale men interfered and for a while a lively skirmish lasted. The police were finally victorious.

All members of Harvard Total Abstinence League who desire shingles can have them by calling upon the secretary, 29 Stoughton, during business hours. Price of the shingles is 25 cents.

J. B. WILSON, Secretary.
