J. H. & W. H. Sweeney, bankers and brokers, of New York, have failed, with liabilities of $25,000.
The jury panel in the star-route conspiracy case was completed yesterday so far as challenges on the part of the defence were concerned.
The Pendleton civil service reform bill was discussed in the Senate yesterday, Messrs. Pendleton, Sherman, Hoar, and Hawley participating.
The remains of the late Louis Blanc were buried in the cemetery at Pere la Chaise, Paris, yesterday. There was no disturbance, as had been anticipated.
Mr. Robert L. Stuart, a wealthy New York sugar merchant, died in that city yesterday, aged seventy-four years. He left a fortune estimated at $20,000,000.
The American observations of the transit of Venus at Santiago were very successful. All the contacts were observed, and the photographs and measurements taken were alike successful.
The robbery of the bank at Kinsley, Kansas, of $12,000, on Saturday, has been traced to G. W. Crawford, the treasurer of the institution, and it is reported that he has confessed the crime.
The Enterprise Cotton Mills at Manyunk, Pa., were burned yesterday afternoon, the property loss aggregating $85,000. Sixteen of the operatives were injured in making their escape from the burning building.
The Boston city election yesterday resulted a clean sweep for the Democracy, mayor, the entire aldermanic board and school committee, and a majority of the common council being of that faith. The majority for mayor is 2187; for license, over 13,000.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 13, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, followed during the night by light snow or rain, slightly warmer southeast to southwest winds, lower barometer.
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