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Commencement parts have been provisionally assigned as follows : Orations - Grandgent, Hodges, McInnes. Dissertations - O'Callaghan, Lloyd, Haskell, Loeb, H. Putnam, Jennison, Cummings, F. Nichols, Babbitt, Ranney, Denniston, Wyman, Fay, Bachelder, Faxon, Sheffield, Lane, J. R. Coolidge, Wigmore, L. A. Coolidge, Kaan, Worcester, Lowell, Woodbury, Hooper, Evans, Cowgill, W. H. Page, Knight, Perry. Disquisitions - Atwood, Hewitt, Getchell, Coit, Ranney, Burch, Holmes, A. Lyman, Norris, O. Putnam, Kikkawa, Moffat, Wingate, Binney, Jacobs, O. G. Smith Hooke, Edgerly, Lee, Dame, Howe, Ranlet, H. L. Smythe, Johnson, Sanger, Moors, G. D. Burrage, E. T. Cabot, J. E. Davis, A. M. Lord, Sprague, Brackett, E. P. Warren. These parts are given on the rank of the three past years, orations being assigned to those whose average has been over ninety per cent., dissertations to those over eighty, and disquisitions to those over seventy-five. This list will be revised just before commencement, at which time those who have received highest honors will be given orations, honors will receive dissertations, and under certain conditions honorable mention disquisitions. As many of these write parts as choose, and they are then delivered before a committee, who select five or six to speak on commencement.


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