

The College of South Carolina now has 148 students.

A tutor in Freshman Physics can be found at 18 C. H.

Pierian Sodality. - Rehearsal in Sanders Theatre at 3.30 P. M.

Profesor Agassiz is at Jacksonville, Fla., making his headquarters at the St. James.

The Wisconsin State University has 367 students, five of whom are resident graduates.


Prof. J. H. Allen is soon to give a course of four lectures on "English Literature" in Boston.

The Transcript mentions President Eliot as a possible candidate for the United States Senatorship.

"An exchange informs us that "Harvard and Brown have already chosen their base-ball nines for the coming season."

The executive committee of the Boat Club has determined to challenge the Columbia crew for a race this year, as usual.

In the number of college secret societies Michigan University takes the front rank - Columbia having 8. Cornell 10, Harvard 3, Union 6, Yale 9, Michigan over 13.

Over one hundred of those instructed at Johns Hopkins University during the six years of its existence have become professors and teachers in colleges, academies and schools.

Tickets for the concert this evening may be obtained of members of the Glee Club or of the Pierian during the day, or may be obtained at Sever's. Everybody should attend.

The Base-Ball League has amended the rules so as to require the pitcher's hand to pass below the shoulder instead of the waist. A base on balls will count as a pitcher's error.

The Clipper draws the following moral from the Yale-Princeton game : "The contest with its kicking feature gave ample evidence of the fact that the door for improvement in the inter-collegiate code is wide open for a decided advance towards the English Foot-ball Association's rules, with the view of encouraging kicking more and contracting the field for rushing with ball in hand. The kicking in this match gave a new interest to the game, which the crowd in general fully appreciated."

The Athenoeum is shocked because one of the societies at Williams has added Boccaccio's Decameron to its library.

The Yale University Boat Club proposes to produce Gounod's "Faust" this winter with the help of some professional talent from New York.
