Truth is stranger than fish stories.-[Puck.
Cornell is to have an Athletic Association.
The University of Nebraska subsidizes the students publication, the Student.
Jay Gould has given $5,150 towards the endowment of Rutgers College.-The widow's mite?
The corner stone of the new building of the University of New Mexico was laid at Santa Fe, Oct. 22. The institution, which now has eighty students-over fifty of whom are in the academic department-was organized in May, 1881.
Rutgers defeated the University of Pennsylvania in foot-ball Saturday, 3 touch-downs to 1.
"A Family Flight," by Rev. E. E. Hale, is a recent publicationth at is gaining much popularity.
Since the Yale College foot-ball team adopted Rugby in 1876, its record shows 82 goals to 1.-[Ex.
Five freshmen of the University of Vermont are under suspension for ten days for hazing a sophomore.
The Brunonian and the Dartmouth have lately given in their adhesion to the plan for an Intercollegiate Press Association.
Something new has been instituted in our midst; namely, a young ladies' foot-ball club. May it prosper.-[Lasell Leaves.
Yale defeated the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at New Haven, Ct., Saturday, the score being six goals and two touch-downs, to no goals and three safeties.
The following compose Yale's freshman eleven: Rushers-Odell, Stewart, Kimball, Lang, Peters, Williams, Gordlet; quarter-back-Harding; half-backs-Wilcox, Young; back-Bacon.
Apropos of higher education for women: Milton was asked if he intended to instruct his daughter in the different languages; to which he replied: "No, sir; one tongue is sufficient for a woman."-[Ex.
A letter has been received from Harvard acknowledging Yale's challenge, but no definite answer was returned, inasmuch as time is required in which to discuss the conditions of next year's race.-[Courant.
The following elegant sentiment is from the Yale Courant: "It is a doubtful question whether it is preferable to practice with professional nines rather than with 'mucker' nines from the out-skirts of large cities."
Arrangements have now been completed for the coming matches between the British Foot-Ball Club of New York and the Britannia Club of Montreal, the present champions of Canada. These matches will be the first played in America as Rugby foot-ball is played in England. The first match will take place at Hoboken, November 18.
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Harvard Shooting Club.