Mr. Andrews' Death - Junior Promenade - Tennis - Foot-Ball - The Longfellow Memorial Association.
NEW HAVEN, Nov. 5. The whole college has been saddened of late by the death of Mr. Andrews of the senior class. While gunning at a point near New Haven his gun was accidentally discharged, killing him almost instantly. Death occurs so infrequently among us that it is very startling when it comes.
The juniors have elected their promenade committee. This event will come off this year in January, a little earlier than has been the custom heretofore. It is the great social event during the course of a class, and is looked forward to with much interest by students and their friends at home.
Tennis is now on its last days. It has become generally very popular only the last year. The place of Mr. Thorne, who was Yale's best representative last year, is hardly filled by any one at present. Should the proposed tournament with Trinity take place, Yale would have to look sharp to her laurels.
Our foot-ball team has experienced a great loss in the disabling of Mr. Camp. He will not probably be able to play any more games this season, at least not the Harvard game. The eleven defeated the Boston School of Technology Saturday, six goals and two touch-downs to nothing.
The freshman team will be weaker than it has been for some years. There has been a lamentable lack of enthusiasm in the class, and consequently only a few men have gone to the park and trained faithfully. We should not be at all surprised were they unsuccessful in their game with the Harvard freshmen.
A meeting was called on Friday last to consider taking some action in regard to the Longfellow memorial. Committees were appointed from each class to take proper measures.
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