

To let in the yard - No. 68 Thayer.

Club table wanted at Mrs. Bucknell's, 64 Mt. Auburn Street.

Club table at Old Brattle House, 42 Brattle street. A dining room on first floor.

One more club of ten or twelve gentlemen can be accommodated with board by applying at T. H. Brewer's, Brattle square.

Rooms to let. - Exceptionally pleasant, sunny rooms, elegantly furnished, one flight, front, singly or en suite, furnace and bath. No. 865 Main street.


SCHOOL OF ARMS. - Fencing lessons : the foils, single stick, sabre, by Prof. Ch. Kapell, Royal University, Berlin, Germany, at the Social Union Gymnasium, Brattle street, 2d floor, from 2 to 7 P.M.

For sale or exchange - One of the pleasantest rooms in Felton, already nicely furnished. The occupant wishes to room in a private house, and only for this reason offers his room for sale. Sitting room, bedroom, bathroom, and two closets. 20 Felton.
