

A plurality of the freshman class at Cornell declare themselves to be Methodists.

The question of co-education of the sexes is under discussion by the authorities of the University of Pennsylvania.

We regret to chronicle that Mr. W. C. Camp of the Yale foot-ball team was seriously injured recently in a practice game.

Myers defeated George in the half-mile race Saturday. Time 1.56 3-5.

A college has been established with government aid in Persia. The professors are graduates of European Universities.


The average expenses of the class of '82, in Yale, for the entire course were $3,901. This class gave $10,000 to athletic sports.

The University of Michigan has conferred its highest honor, that of Ph. D., upon Miss Alice E. Freeman, president of Wellesley College.

The juniors of Western University, of Pennsylvania, have successfully presented "William Tell" in German to the people of Pittsburg.
