Theme II. will be due from all the divisions Tuesday, November 7, at 2 P. M., in Sever 3. Subjects : 1. Origin of the Title of Marquis. 2. What is Money? 3. A Criticism of Anthony Trollope's Novels. 4. Are College boat races worth the money they cost? 5. Evening Parties. 6. A Criticism of Modjeska's Rosalind. 7. Fox-hunting in America - should it be encouraged?
SOPHOMORE THEMES.Division A, Sever 1, will comprise the Monday sections in Rhetoric, Mr. Drennan's.
Theme I. will be returned to section 2 (C. F. Gilman to Winlock), Tuesday, November 7, as follows : Sub-section 1, C. F. Gilman to Hartshorn, at 2 P. M.; sub-section 2, Hazard to E. Howard, at 2.30; sub-section 3, O. S. Howard to Lenox, at 3; sub-section 4, Lent to R. Petersen, at 3.30; sub-section 5, Puffer to Winlock, at 4.
Division B, Sever 5, will comprise those who are in Mr. Wendell's sections in Rhetoric.
Theme I. will be returned with criticisms to section 2 (Onativia to Young), Tuesday, November 7, as follows : Onativia to Seavy, at 2 P. M.; Shephard to Sutton, at 2.30; Swinscoe to Tylor, at 3; Wadsworth to Whiteside, at 3.30; Whitney to Young, at 4.
Those who have a conflict come at 4.30. Themes not called for are left in the tin boxes in Sever 3.
Theme II. will be due from both divisions Tuesday, November 21, at 2 P. M., in Sever 3. Subjects : 1. An Account of the Monsoons in India. 2. American English. 3. Sketch of John Cobden. 4. The Political Career of General Butler. 5. What relation should exist between Amateur and Professional Athletics? 6. Dinners and Dining.
College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 8 P. M.
The subjects for the second Senior Forensic have been announced as follows : 1. Is there a decline in real statesmanship in the United States? 2. Is Macaulay's judgment of Bacon just? 3. How far does self-consciousness hinder action? 4. Which function of literature is the more important at the present time, the critical or the creative?
The second Junior Forensic will be due November 24. Subjects : 1. Ought the studies of the freshman year to be elective? 2. Was it good policy on the part of James I. to resist the demands of the Puritans? 3. In the study of literature, is it the better method to read a great amount, or to read a few authors with thoroughness? 4. Should the right of suffrage be limited by any qualifications or conditions?
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