
Andover 1 Goal; Harvard, '86, 0.

The freshman foot-ball eleven played the eleven of Phillips Andover Academy Saturday, and were defeated by a score of one goal to nothing. The supreme confidence of '86 in its eleven was slightly shaken; but in justice to the team, it may be said that the Andover campus is very unfortunately situated, and any eleven unacquainted with its peculiarities is at a great disadvantage. The ball was kicked off at 2.43 by Woodbury, who touched it with his foot and then passed it to one of the rushers, who, however, was soon stopped. By good playing of Kimball and Austin, the ball was forced very near Andover's goal; good plays of Mills and Follett brought it near Harvard's. The playing for the rest of the half was very exciting, the ball being at times near Harvard's goal, and being kicked over the fence back of their opponents goal two or three times. When time was called at 3.30, the ball was very near Harvard's goal. Andover kicked off at 3.48, sending the ball well towards the Harvard's end of the field; then the good running of Kimball and Adams carried the ball back again, and shortly Andover touched down for safety. After this the playing was very close for some time; Mills and Bradford were both hurt, but pluckily played on. In the last few minutes, through very strong play of the whole eleven, Meacham made a touchdown for Andover right back of the Harvard goal. From this touchdown a goal was scored, and the Phillipians made happy. The freshmen then made desperate efforts to score but time was called with the ball only slightly inclined towards the Andover end. The playing of the freshmen was individually good; but the rush line neither blocked their opponents nor played well together. On the other hand, the Andover rushers played a remarkably fine co-operative game. For Harvard, Kimball, Austin and Adams played well; for Andover, Mills, Meacham and Bradford. The elevens were made up as follows : Phillips Andover - Rushers, Knowlton, Wyman, Follett, Cochrane, Meacham, Houghton, Bradford; quarter-back, Jennings; half-backs, Mills (capt.), Wallace; full-back, Alderman. Harvard, '86 - Rushers, Adams, Burnett, Ames, Dewey, Hartley, Littauer, Woodbury, (capt.); quarter-back, Clark; half-backs, Austin, Phillips; full-back, Kimball. Umpire for Andover, Mr. Reid; for Harvard, Mr. C. S. Harrison, '86. Referee, Mr. O. S. Howard, '85.
