

No Headline

It is deeply to be regretted that the committee on the reading room has found it necessary to abandon for this year the plan of keeping up that institution. Financial reasons and lack of support, we are told, account for this decision. Few student enterprises we feel sure have been so wholly beneficial in their influence as has the college reading room. It has certainly been a great convenience to many, and its loss will be seriously missed by those who have been wont to patronize it. The committee may have been somewhat hasty in deciding to give up the plan for its maintenance this year. It is true that due notice had been given that a certain amount of support would have to be pledged to prevent this decision, but we doubt if the students generally fully realized and appreciated the importance of giving their support to prevent this result. If a longer time had been granted and the committee had been more urgent in their appeals a sufficient number of names at least might have been secured.
