There will be no lecture in Phil. I. tomorrow.
Boxes have been placed in Sever 3 for Junior and Senior Forensics.
There are at present 693 members belonging to the Co-operative Society.
Foot-ball matches between club tables at Memorial are becoming popular.
Prof. Hill's next lecture to sophomores will be on "Washington Irving."
The 'Varsity eleven leave for Amherst this afternoon at 4.30 via Boston & Albany Railroad.
Rev. Alexander McKenzie will conduct chapel exercises during the month of November.
The Union Railway Company propose to sell out to the Cambridge Company for $1,100,000.
Mr. John Fiske is delivering a series of lectures at the Old South on "New England History."
Members of History III. will bring blue books to the recitation today for the examination Monday.
A. C. Lane, '83, has been elected president of the Christian Brethren in place of C. W. Birtwell, resigned.
In the game between the freshman eleven and the 'Varsity yesterday T. H. Cabot, '86, sustained a serious fall.
The freshmen are to have an examination in solid geometry next Thursday, The time and place will be announced hereafter.
At the next regular meeting of the Co-operative Society a member from '86 will be added to the board to represent the freshman class.
The Harvard-Columbia foot-ball match will be played at Hoboken, N. Y., Nov. 11th instead of at the Polo Grounds, N. Y., as was first proposed.
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