

E. S. Perrin, '82, is lying very ill at his home in Cincinnati.

There will be no meeting of the St. Paul's Society this week.

The examination books in freshman Latin will be returned next week.

A number of Harvard men are going to New York to witness the Princeton-Yale game Thursday.

Notifications have been sent to all who signed for gymnasium lockers that the new ones are ready for use.


"Harvard's new cheer," dear News, we have noticed, is becoming a very common thing at all Yale games, whether played with Harvard or with other colleges.

At a meeting of the alumni of the class of '82, Phillips Exeter Academy, a committee was appointed to make arrangements for a reunion and banquet in Exeter next June.

Professor J. P. Cooke on his return from Europe this fall brought with him a dynamo-electrical machine, with the aid of which an electric light will be worked in Boylston Hall.

About thirty-five men met Mr. Carey yesterday afternoon in Boylston, to make arrangements about forming classes in the rudiments of music. If tenors can be found there will also be a class in part singing.

The programme given by the Mueller-Campanari String Quartette in Sever last evening, included Haydn's Quartette in D major, a variation of Schubert's Posthumous Quartette and Beethoven's Quartette in C major, op. 59.

The freshmen will have a three-hour examination in Latin before Christmas. It will include the translation of a sight passage and also a passage from that which has been read in class; also grammatical questions on that portion of Roman History touched upon by Livy 21 and 22.

Eight courses of free public lectures are announced at the Lowell Institute as follows: A course of twelve lectures by Prof. C. R. Cross on "Electric Lighting;" a course of twelve on "Analytic Geometry," by Prof. J. D. Runkle; two courses of twelve each in French. by Prof. Jules Luquiens; a course of twelve on "Handbook Rules," by Prof. Lanza; "Machine Drawing" (twelve), by Prof. Whitaker; "European History" (twelve), by Prof. W. P. Atkinson; and "Medieval Architecture" (twelve), by Prof. T. M. Clark.

Twenty-six conductors on the Union Railway have been discharged for irregularities in registering fares.

A game of foot-ball was recently played in Canada between the faculties of art and of medicine in Queen's College.

Together with the Yale News the Courant is seriously discussing the formation of a Co-operative Society at Yale.
