


A shock of earthquake was felt about 6.30 last evening at points along the line of the Welland canal in Ontario.

A Paris dispatch says: While handling a revolver at Ville d'Avray, yesterday, M. Gambetta shot himself in the hand. The bullet only traversed the flesh, and he is in no danger.

William H. Glenny, one of Buffalo's most prominent citizens, and one of the largest crockery dealers and importers between New York and Chicago, died at Buffalo yesterday, aged sixty-five.

Clevedon Hall, the residence of Sir Arthur Elton, situated near Bristol, England, has been destroyed by fire. A portion of the library, which was considered one of the most valuable in England, was also burned.

Mr. Wilfred Blunt writes to the London times, appealing to the public for help to defray the cost of the defence of Arabi Pasha, as, he says, the trial has assumed the character of a great state inquiry, and his (Mr. Blunt's) financial back is not strong enough to bear the load.


A riot took place at Fayetteville, N. C., last evening, during which over 100 persons engaged in a fight, in which knives were freely used. Twenty of the combatants were wounded, some of them fatally. A man named Underwood was fatally shot. The riot was caused by a party of drunken men, who attacked several citizens in the street.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 28, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, winds mostly northerly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
