EDITORS HARVARD HERALD : In view of the character of last Saturday's foot-ball game, resembling as it did the game with Yale of last year, I should like to advocate a measure which I am sure will meet with the approbation of most of the fair-minded men of the college, and which deserves the attention of every person who believes in keeping the college sports free from all manifestation of the "mucker" spirit. I refer to the advisability of giving up our annual Yale game of foot-ball. I believe that after the exhibition given us by Yale last Saturday, that every Harvard man who wishes to keep up the tone of college athletics, will approve of any action taken by the eleven or the corporation to prevent its repetition. The only method of doing this is the extreme one of refusing to play Yale hereafter. Now that the college faculty has taken such pains to eradicate all professionalism from college athletics, I think they should go further and endeavor to keep out all "Yaleism." I do not wish to say anything against any of the Yale eleven personally; but, to draw it as mild as possible. I believe that their enthusiasm and earnest desire to win, laudable enough in itself, causes them to lose all control of themselves and leads them into excesses which, I feel sure, they afterwards regret. As I do not think the Yale men can ever be altered in this respect, I think the only remedy is to stop playing foot-ball with them. The game with Princeton, of the week previous, which was much closer than the one with Yale, showed that foot-ball could be played with the proper spirit and enthusiasm without leading to any of the excesses that always characterize a "Yale" game. Harvard was, undoubtedly, fairly beaten, but we cannot but criticise the methods used to gain the victory. I hope the students of the college and the corporation will give this subject their careful attention.
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