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Besides his very vigorous denunciation of college athletics, in his recent speech in New York, Dr. Crosby indulged at the same time in wholesale condemnation of several other tendencies of modern university life and methods, forming, as a Boston paper puts it, altogether a "strange mixture of sense and dogmatism." Among other things cried out against was the elective system, the stale stock arguments being brought up against it, and aimed very plainly against the particular case of Harvard. "He declares," says this Boston paper, "that an American boy of eighteen is not competent to select the studies which will give him the most valuable training or best fit him for active life. Any one," it continues, "who has watched the tendency and effect of the elective system must heartily indorse Dr. Crosby's conclusions, in which, we are sure, he voices the earnest feeling of a large portion of the alumni of Harvard." We do not feel prepared to enter into a discussion of this much-vexed question. But of one thing we feel quite certain - that most of those who are competent to judge do still uphold the elective system. We cannot believe that "a large portion of the alumni of Harvard" condemn it, whatever opinions the superior wisdom of Boston journalists may dictate.
