

The next sophomore theme will not be due until Jan. 9.

The marks on the freshman Greek examination averaged high.

Peculiarity of certain experimental machines in freshman physics - they won't work.

There will be a three-hour examination in freshman physics some time before Christmas.

The news of Yale's victory was received with cheers at Princeton, as it gives the Princeton's another chance to win the pennant.


Five "Brevities" out of twenty-seven in the last Crimson are from the pen of the illustrious editor of the "cold" Register, and are not credited.

The Boston Herald terms Saturday's game "Rugby." Its mistake may well be pardoned, since it resembled Rugby far more than American foot-ball.

The management of the '86 foot-ball team wish to return thanks to all members of the class who assisted in clearing off the snow from Holmes field yesterday afternoon.

An hour examination in sophomore rhetoric will be given Dec. 21. It will cover the first 100 pages of "Hill's Rhetoric," in addition to Prof. Hill's general lectures on American authors.

The game of lacrosse between the freshmen and the AEtnas of Boston will probably not be played next Saturday, if the game of foot-ball between the Harvard and Yale '86 elevens comes off.

In consequence of a slight difference of opinion yesterday between John Smith and Sam Thompson, waiters at Memorial, Mr. Smith will make a brief sojourn at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

The Oelrich cup won by the Harvard lacrosse team over Yale, Princeton, New York University, Bloomfield lacrosse club, and New York club, at New York, on the 28th of October, has arrived and will be on exhibition at Bartlett's during the next few days. The cup was presented to the U. S. National Lacrosse Association for annual competition at New York city. It is very artistic in design and workmanship.

Out of 200 "Brevities" published in the weekly Crimson, a close estimate shows 60 to have been taken substantially from the HERALD, while over 20 are covert or open puffs of a Cambridge bookseller.

The editors of the Vassar Miscellany promise to come into an Inter-Collegiate Press Association if one be formed. Now, we are assured, no more hesitation will be felt by our esteemed contemporaries in joining in with the scheme. This inducement cannot be withstood.

The main comment to be made on the Harvard-Yale foot-ball game yesterday is that it was a disgrace to college athletics. There should never be an act done on a foot-ball field, or anywhere else, which deserves the hisses of the spectators, and certainly the repeated and prolonged hissing yesterday was for the greater part all too richly deserved. [Boston Sunday Globe.

Prof. Frothingham, in the medical department of the Michigan University at Ann Arbor, Mich., has had a hearing before the faculty on charges preferred by Mr. Morgan, that in his lectures he had made sneering remarks against Christanity and had said that all ministers were liars. A large number of witnesses were examined, most of whom denied that such language had been used. The verdict of the faculty has not yet been made known.
