Evacuation day was celebrated in New York Saturday, the Old Guard parading.
Mr. Whiting, the financial editor of the N. Y. Evening Post, died Saturday from pneumonia.
The Sultan of Morocco has authorized Spain to seize Santa Cruz del Mar Psynena on the coast of Morocco.
The Garfield monument fair in the rotunda of the capitol at Washington was formally opened by President Arthur Saturday afternoon.
The annual tournament of the Raymond Sportsman Club was held at Wellington Friday, and W. L. Perry won the State championship medal.
The remains of Thurlow Weed lay in state in St. Peter's Episcopal Church at Albany, N. Y., for several hours on Saturday, and were afterwards interred in the Rural Cemetery.
Gilbert and Sullivan's new opera, "Iolanthe," was produced at the Savoy Theatre, London, Saturday evening, and at the Standard Theatre, New York, and was pronounced a success in both places.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 27, 1. A. M. For New England, cloudy weather, with rain or snow; winds mostly northwesterly, stationary or lower temperature, followed by rising barometer.
Hannibal Hamlin sailed for this country on the Servia Saturday.
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