The Garfield monument fair will be opened in Washington at 2 P. M. today.
The grand jury has returned an ignored bill in the case of Editor Cockerill of St. Louis, for shooting Col. Slayback.
William Richards, sentenced to be hanged yesterday morning at Montreal, escaped justice by stabbing himself with a jacknife.
Mr. George Gorham, the editor-in-chief of the Washington Republican, will be a candidate for the secretaryship of the Senate.
Chas. H. Reed, late counsel for Giteau, will endeavor to secure the passage of a bill through Congress granting him a fee of $5000.
It is reported that Commissioner Raum will recommend in his forthcoming annual report the abolition of all internal revenue taxes except those on whiskey and tobacco.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 25, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, westerly winds, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure.
J. H. McLane, the independent candidate for governor of South Carolina, will contest the election of the Democrat returned by the Democratic returning board as the elected governor.
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