

Wanted - Notes copied. Apply at 6 Holworthy.

To let - In the yard, 7 Gray's. A large bonus offered. Apply at 10 Weld.

Found - One new shoe on Holyoke street. Apply at James Dollard's shoe store.

Lost - A ladies' small gold hunting-case watch. If found please leave at Hubbard's.

Lost - Iridian point stylographic pen. Finder will confer a favor by leaving it with F. H. Leavitt at Drury's.


Lost - A gold serpent ring, with blue stone in head. Finder will please return to room 13, Holyoke House.

Club table - One more club table of ten or twelve can be accommodated at Miss E. M. Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford street.

Found - On Holmes field, Wednesday between 5 and 6 o'clock, an overcoat. The owner can have it by proving property. Apply at the Tribune office between 7 and 8, or at 54 Brattle street between 12 and 2.

Attention is called to Prof. Lambert's free lecture in Lyceum Hall next Tuesday evening. The N. Y. Herald says of his system: "Prof. E. Lambert's efforts are both instructive and entertaining; the study of the French language being made at once attractive and easy by his method of treatment, and for rapid progress is unexcelled."
