From better to best! Lampy is outdoing himself.
Mr. George A. Saunders is a candidate for mayor of Cambridge.
There are 128 names on the petition at Drury's to remove duty on foreign books.
There is an excellent account of the Harvard-Princeton game in the N. Y. Clipper of this week.
Two hundred names have been secured, and the special train from Yale to the game today is assured.
The Memorial Hall waiters defeated the Brunswick eleven yesterday by a score of 3 touchdowns to 0.
Jim Robinson sails for England a week from Saturday on the Iowa. He will return about the first of March.
The foot-ball game between Columbia, '85, and Harvard, '85, will not take place, as suitable grounds cannot be obtained.
The Yale News, following the example of the HERALD, has introduced the plan of publishing regular correspondence from other colleges.
E. S. Hawes, '80, was the first hound in the hare and bound run yesterday, but, as he had not entered his name, the cap goes to E. E. Jack, '84.
Prof. Joseph H. Thayer, D. D., will preach in Appleton Chapel tomorrow evening at 7.30 on "Certain Misconceptions Respecting the Bible."
The December number of Education contains an article by Eli T. Tappan, LL. D., on "The University; Its Place and Work in the American System of Education."
The tickets for the Glee Club and Pierian concert, which will come off Dec. 11th, will be on sale after the Thanks-giving recess, and can be had of the members of the clubs.
And now another misfortune has befallen our foot-ball team. L. K. Hull, our chief rusher, a man on whom the team depended so much, has broken the fore-finger of his right hand. - [Yale News of Thursday.
The following named men have been composing Yale's eleven, and will probably play today: Rushers, Knapp, Farwell, Tompkins, Hull, Peters, Beck, Slocum. Quarter-back, Twombly; halfbacks, Richards, Terry; back, Bacon.
It is reported that Sergeant Kelley, who has been stationed at Fort Popham, Maine, has been removed from his position by the Secretary of War. Sergeant Kelley, it will be remembered, is the man who so cruelly shot down Frank A. Smith, '85, last summer while the latter was looking over the fort. Kelley has been taken to Portland to await trial on the charge of murder.
At a meeting of the president and fellows of Harvard College in Boston, Nov. 6th, a petition was received from Walter S. Swan and other citizens and residents of this city against the erection of a new fence around Jarvis field. The treasurer was authorized to reply that the corporation has no purpose to erect a new fence around Jarvis field.
The floats at the boat-house will be taken up today and the boats be removed to the old club-house, where they will be stored for the winter and sold at auction in the spring. Those persons who have any valuables in the boat-houses are warned that they will not be safe if left there, and they had better remove them at once. Back rents are to be paid immediately to John Smyth, the janitor, now that the boating season is closed.
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Dr. Sargent on Boxing.