

Lost - Note book in History II. Finder please return to 4 Thayer.

To let - In the yard, 7 Gray's. A large bonus offered. Apply at 10 Weld.

Found - One new shoe on Holyoke street. Apply at James Dollard's shoe store.

Lost - A gold serpent ring, with blue stone in head. Finder will please return to room 13, Holyoke House.

Club table - One more club table of ten or twelve can be accommodated at Miss E. M. Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford street.


Found - On Holmes field, Wednesday between 5 and 6 o'clock, an overcoat. The owner can have it by proving property. Apply at the Tribune office between 7 and 8, or at 54 Brattle street between 12 and 2.
