Confidence contributes in no small degree to success, but it is equally dangerous when too sanguine. Yale men have just as much cause as we have to anticipate victory next Saturday, if we are to judge from their brilliant play with Columbia. The general tone of their editorials show that the characteristic Yale quality of confidence is not shaken to any great extent even after what they call Saturday's surprise. What we have said is only in the way of a warning, and cannot discourage a team which knows its own merits and faults better than the majority of its critics. We feel sure that on their own grounds they are ready to win the championship or play a very close game for it. The college in general is prepared for the most brilliant issue, and will not entertain a sincere doubt until the fact is demonstrated that we are to be champions or are not to be, and it promises all the support that can come from a thousand voices and a thousand enthusiastic men.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.