Pi Eta meeting this afternoon at 4.30.
Tickets for the Yale game are for sale at Bartlett's.
The freshman class at Yale is developing some fine lacrosse players.
Members of Philosophy 1 have voted not to have the recent hour examinations count.
The freshman crews were coached yesterday by Mr. Sanger of the 'Varsity crew.
Jones, the janitor and bell-ringer, is in his twenty-fifth year of service with the college.
The forthcoming Index will contain five pages more of athletic records than previous issues.
Dr. Sargent has examined nearly fifteen hundred men during his connection with the university.
About thirty men have handed in their names as contestants for the prizes in physical development.
A new disposition of seats in Natural History IV. has been made. New lists are posted up in rear of Sever 11.
Williams College has a Thanksgiving recess of only five days, and grieves because she cannot secure a longer one.
The business hours of the secretary of the Cricket Club are from 12 to 1 Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, Holworthy 10.
Mr. Houghton, who recently played on the eleven of the Institute of Technology, has entered Harvard as a special student.
J. B. Walker will be whipper-in in the hare and hounds run today. The course will be between six and eight miles. Start at 3.15 P, M. in front of Matthews.
Mr. Frank F. Marshall, a former pupil in the Leipsic Conservatory, will give a piano recital in Chickering's rooms, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Allen and Mr. Wulf Fries, Monday, Nov. 27th, at 7.45 P.M. The tickets for the recital are one dollar, and are for sale at Schmidt's and Pruefer's and at Chickering's.
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