


The funded debt of the United States was on Nov. 1 last $1,419,080,200.

Arabi's counsel claim that he was supported by the Porte and the Khedive.

Reports from Pittsburg, Pa., state that the coal miners' strike is spreading.

A dispatch from Augusta, Me., says there is no perceptible change in the condition of Hon. Lot M. Morrill.

There is a wide diversion of opinion among the ways and means committee-men with regard to revenue reduction.


At a fire in Providence, R. I., yesterday a number of operatives jumped from a fourth-story window. Four were killed and seventeen injured.

An English steamer, the Wearmouth, bound from Quebec to London, was wrecked on Magdalen Island on the night of the 19th inst. Sixteen of the crew were lost.

The Emperor and Empress of Russia drove through the streets of St. Petersburg last Sunday, in an open sledge, to the Michaeloff palace. As they passed through the streets they were greeted with the greatest enthusiasm.

At the second annual session of the National Trades Congress, held at Cleveland, Ohio, yesterday, Frank K. Foster of Cambridge, Mass., read a paper entitled "Protection versus Wages," an argument against protection.
