

The freshmen are examined in Lysias at sight tomorrow.

Two freshman eights will be selected from the candidates for the crew this week.

The Princeton team had a private reception in Boston after their game, Saturday night.

Col. W. A. Bancroft will begin coaching the freshman eights the first Monday after Thanksgiving.

The freshman eleven has received a challenge from Quincy, but it is doubtful if a game can be arranged.


All communications to the HERALD must be written on one side of the sheet only, if intended for publication.

If two hundred names can be secured, a special train will run from Yale to Boston to bring visitors to the game next Saturday.

It is said that Peace, Haxall and Harlan of this year's Princeton eleven will probably enter the Harvard Law School next year.

There will be a hare and hounds run on Friday, Nov. 24, at 3.15 P. M. Prizes will be given as in the previous runs. Entry book at Bartlett's.

The Peabody Museum in Cambridge, says the N. Y. Post, possesses the most important collections illustrating American archaeology that have been brought together.

Several "dark horses" have loomed up for the freshman eleven. The chances for defeating Harvard '86 are said to be much better than a month ago. - [Yale Courant.

Prof. Wolcott Gibbs attended the recent session of the National Academy of Sciences at Columbia College, New York, and read a paper on "Complex Inorganic Acids."

Numbers of the genus "mucker" were forced to vacate the top of the Law School, where they had roosted to see the Harvard-Princeton game last Saturday. The Law School will be a very convenient location for spectators when it is finished.

The members of the class of '80, Phillips-Exeter Academy, are requested to meet at Weld 39 at 7.30 P. M., Wednesday, Nov. 22, to take action relative to the P. E. A. centennial.

The Freshman Lacrosse Club has received challenges from the AEtnas of Boston and from Phillips Academy, Andover, but owing to the inclement weather no action has yet been taken upon them.

A Columbia man was running around Holmes field Saturday looking for some one to take three to one on Princeton. When Harvard won he said he was happy and seventy-five dollars richer than if he had found a taker.

The Exonian suggests that Harvard's next move towards economy and the reduction of expenses be made by cutting down the "banquet fund" - in other words to serve the governor-elect of Massachusetts a cold lunch only on the day when in triumph he shall ride to Cambridge to take his degree.

The semi-annual meeting of the governing committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens was held in New York on Saturday. Prof. Tyler of Amherst was elected a member. Letters were read stating that Dartmouth and Cornell will join the association of colleges which support the school next June, and the University of Virginia will join this year. The committee has received assurances that the school will have as many students as it can accommodate next year.

At a meeting of the sophomore class in Holden last evening, a challenge from the Columbia sophomores for a foot-ball match was reported as having been received. It was voted to authorize the eleven to accept, and to canvass the class for subscriptions to pay the expenses of the team to New York. $105.93 was pledged by members of the class present. All who can are requested to be on Holmes field this afternoon at 2, in order to give the eleven practice.
