


Butler was entertained by the Boston Club Saturday.

The recent reports concerning an Austro-Russian war have not been confirmed.

Gov. Long has appointed Paul A. Chadbourne a member of the board of prison commissioners.

Concerning the Egyptian question, England's policy will probably not be declared until after Arabi's trial.

Myers and George, the rival runners, have agreed upon a contest, to take place at the Polo Grounds on Thanksgiving day.


The second meeting of the Myopia Hunt Club took place in Winchester Saturday. The fox was not caught, but the chase was an exciting one.

Mrs. Melville has been finally released from the insane asylum in which she was confined, and tells a pitiful story of her husband's treatment of her. She says that she will consult some able attorney, and must and will have a divorce, and her children with it, and that every dollar's worth of property taken from her must be accounted for in full.

THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 20, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, northerly winds, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.

The provisions of the Chinese bill have greatly displeased China.
