

The Student complains because in the Amherst game "Yale played her usual bluff game, taking all she could get, and tackling our men when there was no occasion for it."

At present there are in the United States sixty four Greek letter fraternities, having 487 chapters, thirty-five chapter houses, sixty alumni chapters, with a total membership of 62,256.

A hare and hounds club has been formed at Williams College. The first run, about 12 miles, was made last week in two hours and five minutes, the hares coming in six minutes ahead, inclusive of the start.

Time, election day. Slightly exhilarated individual in front of the city hall vainly trying to put on his coat. Sympathizing passer by: "You're putting the right arm into the left sleeve." Exhilarated individual: "That's all right, I - I'm le - left handed." - [Record.

The "Proceedings" of the fourteenth annual session of the American Philological Association, held in Cambridge last July, have just been published. Prof. C. R. Lanman is secretary of the society for the ensuing year. The pamphlet includes the reports of the secretary and the treasurer; the report of the committee (Prof. J. W. White, chairman,) appointed to consider measures for doing away with the granting of the degree Ph. D. honoris causa; synopses of the various papers read at the meeting, including one on "Semitic Personal Pronouns" by Prof. Troy of Harvard; and the annual address of the retiring president, Professor F. D. Allen.

