

To let in the yard - No. 68 Thayer.

Club table at Old Brattle House, 42 Brattle street. A dining room on first floor.

To Let - One of the most desirable rooms in Felton, on the first floor. Apply to the janitor.

One more club of ten or twelve gentlemen can be accommodated with board by applying at T. H. Brewer's, Brattle square.

Lost - Two or three weeks ago, a small iridium pointed, gold-mounted Cross stylographic pen. Finder please leave at 64 Thayer, or send address.


An experienced tutor in Solid Geometry may be found at 27 Hollis. Terms low and satisfaction guaranteed.

H. HUBBARD, '84.SCHOOL OF ARMS. - Fencing lessons: the foils, single stick, sabre, by Prof. Ch. Kapell, Royal University, Berlin, Germany, at the Social Union Gymnasium, Brattle street, 2d floor, from 2 to 7 P. M.
