

Base-Ball and Glee Club Matters-College Notes.


PROVIDENCE, Nov. 14, 1882. The final game of ball at Brown for the fall was played with the Lonsdales. Fine fielding was done on both sides, but the batting was very weak. The game was called after five innings had been played, the score being three to two in favor of Brown. On account of the cold weather the nine have decided to go into gymnasium practice immediately. Steps have been taken for the formation of a second nine, in order to give the University nine practice in the college, and thus place us on a footing with the other colleges which already have nines. '86 has brought in a pitcher who promises to substitute Smith very acceptably in case of necessity. The following named are the probable members of the nine for the ensuing year: S. S. Greene, '83, c.; E. P. Smith, '84, p.; W. B. Chase, '85, 1 b.; J. G. Doron, 84, 2 b.; C. Bassett, '85, 3 b.; Wordsworth, '84, s. s.; H. J. Rhett, '85, 1. f.; W. H. Shedd, '85, c. f.; E. B. Durfee, '84, r. f. Smith is at home with the typhoid fever.

A Glee Club has been formed at Brown, comprised of the sixteen best voices in the college, selected after trial of the voice and ability to read music. Song books have been purchased, several rehearsals have been held, and already there are projects of a short tour about Christmas time. The movement has met with a great success, and a large part of the students have joined the Musical Association, which is daily increasing. It is hoped that this will be another bond to join us to our sister colleges. The following named are the officers and members of the Musical Association and Glee Club: President, E. J. Silver, '83; secretary and treasurer, John Davoll, '84; musical director, E. D. Burr, '84; business manager, Ira Barrows, '83; librarian, N. L. Richmond, '85. The members of the Glee Club are as follows: First tenors, Farnsworth, '84, Alexander, '85, Dyer, '86, Roberts, '86; second tenors, Tyzzer, '84, Day, '85, Chase, '85, Alger, '85, first bassos, Burr, '84, Gow, '84, Ward, '86, Potter, '86; second bassos, Silver, '83, Daboll, 84, Richmond, '85, Greene, '86; warbler, Ira Barrows. The freshman quartette is as follows: First tenor, Dyer; second tenor, Roberts; first bass, E. K. Potter; second bass, J. H. Ward; musical director and leader, E. K. Potter; pianist, Gunderson.


