The prospect in the Beecher trial is that the plaintiff will be non-suited.
Foot - ball at Quincy : Adams Academy, 2 goals; Technology freshmen, 0.
George M. Robeson of New Jersey ascribes his defeat to Keifer's speeches in his district.
The first meeting of the Citizens' League to enforce the existing liquor law was held last evening.
At a meeting of the Boston Democratic city committe last night Hon. Albert Palmer was nominated for mayor.
The speech of Emperor William before the Landtag, advocating the abolishment of the four lowest grades of the class tax, was received with much favor.
Patrick Joyce, whose trial for the murder of the Joyce family began in Dublin on Thursday last, has been found guilty and sentenced to be hanged on Dec. 15th.
An anonymous letter threatened Patti with shooting if she sang in "Faust" Monday night. The prima donna was very thoroughly frightened, but it proved only a scare.
THE WEATHER.WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 16, 1. A. M. For New England, fair weather, wind mostly southwesterly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure.
The funeral of Mrs. Edith Harlan Child occurred yesterday in New York.
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